I believe that each and every one of us is here on this planet for a bigger purpose. I strongly believe in God and I believe that creativity is in our DNA. If you think about it, humans always wanted to capture daily life activities, create beautiful things, produce jewto adorn themselves and so on and so forth.
“Archaeologists believe they have discovered the world’s oldest-known representational artwork: three wild pigs painted deep in a limestone cave on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi at least 45,500 years ago.” Read the full article here: https://news.artnet .com/art-world/indonesia-pig-art-oldest-painting-1937110#:~:text=Archaeologists%20believe%20they%20have%20discovered,found%20in%20Leang%20Tedongnge%20cave.
Life back then was tough, very tough but even then humans created ART.
I believe that art is God speaking through us and this is why we feel good when painting, writing, sculpturing and so on. It is our nature, I dare to say one of the main reasons why we are here is to celebrate and express the voice of our creator and creation.
From human history what we really treasure and value the most are the things that humans have created such as paintings, buildings, potteries etc and those pieces tell us a lot about who we are and how far we have come from.
I once was talking to my husband and he stated:” AI will replace most of the jobs out there, what are we going to do ?” And I said “We’ll do what we are supposed to do, create art and beauty.”
Honour this life and express it through art.
This is what I have decided to do whether through photography, writing or painting. This is where I feel the most connected and content. If only everyone would create some space to express their creativity our world would be a happier place to live.
I’m currently on day 24 for my 100 days drawing challenge. Here’s my blog post about it : https://peaceful-space.co.uk/drawing-challenge-100-daily-drawings-challenge/
I’m feeling creativity active and
the more I draw the more I feel at peace.
The more I draw the clearer my vision becomes.
The more I draw the more I know about myself.
Art is part of who am I; although I am nowhere near the end of the challenge I can harvest the benefit from it already. It shocks me to the core. A new daily habit that makes me somehow secure about myself.
I wish I started earlier but for years I believe I wasn’t good enough and even if I am not to your eyes, SO WHAT? Art is doing wonderful things to my soul and this is for now enough for me.
With the wish I inspired you to create more of the things that makes you happy
For a more meaningful life
with Love