During the Christmas holiday, we went to Italy.
We re-charged ourselves with the love of family and friends and I thank God for this.
We cooked and ate delicious meals. We inhaled the fresh air of our forest.
We hosted dinners and we were invited for dinners.
On one occasion, I asked the diners: “What is your goal for the new year ?” Among all the answers I received, one stuck in my head and made me reflect.
My Sister in Law’s Mother said with a beautiful, carefree smile and open heart: “ I want to travel more”
Her answer struck me.
Most of us would most commonly say things such as “ I want to earn more” “ I want to exercise more” “ I want to lose weight” etc etc. She chose something to satisfy her desire to discover the wonders of our world. Why not? Why not choose something that can fill us? Why not choose something for pleasure rather than something challenging?
No one of the resolutions listed above are bad, indeed they are good but why not add something just for the sake of pleasure and joy?
I choose to do more of the things I love. I choose that this year I will express my creativity in the most profound way because this is what makes me feel happy, content and connected to God.
What is YOUR goal for the year?
I hope this post will help you to choose something that you love doing…something that inevitably will nourish your soul
With Love