Each seed we plant, must be nourished and taken care of.
Lately, I have been meditating on the importance or even better, the necessity to practice, feed and care for whatever we think is essential for our well-being.
We can’t expect to get paid for work we haven’t done so how can we expect to feel good if we neglected the things that make us feel connected and well-balanced?
I choose to make space for the things that help me to navigate this world more intentionally.
I choose to live within my peaceful -space where I can feel at peace for real.

And with every step I take, I will ask myself if my decision will either enrich me or impoverish me. I will choose the things that will certainly make this life worth living, things that will help my soul flourish.
My Peaceful-Space has various corners where I can fuel my faith, quench my thirst for knowledge and express my creativity.
My Peaceful – Space is a state of mind of gratitude.
My Peaceful -Space is also nature, as nothing can ground me as much as our beautiful planet.
Those things make me fall in love with life every day a bit more and every time I step away from these practices I feel lost, depressed and empty.
What makes you feel in love with your life?
simple living
traditional family
intentional living