The jar of gratitude

I strongly believe that there is no happiness without gratitude. 

I believe that at the core of a balanced existence, there is the most precious virtue: GRATITUDE. 

Inspired by a post I saw on Pinterest ( follow me if you are not yet me and the kids created our JAR OF GRATITUDE. 

This is where every week we will place a piece of paper where we are going to write something that happened during the week that made us feel grateful. 

Ideally, we will open our jar at the end of the year; but if we are ever going to feel upset during the year, I am sure reading all those messages will uplift our souls.

I hope this post will inspire you to nurture the virtue of gratitude 

With Love


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Update about my 100 days drawing challenge

Today, I’m going to complete drawing number 71.
During this challenge, there were two days I couldn’t show up. And that’s ok.
Me and my family ( husband + 2 kids) drove from Italy to London; as you can imagine I couldn’t take out my watercolour case and sketchbook.
I lost 2 days of practice but I didn’t lose track of my direction; I didn’t give up. I am only more motivated to keep on working on this project, because, even to my surprise this practice is opening up new worlds to me. 

I hope this short update will make you keep on going even if things are not going as planned.

With Love


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The winter sea 

Vast, calm, cold clear sea of my Italy. 

I came to greet you. 

I missed you, you know?

In winter you look so beautiful and you are all for me. 

Fresh, clean cold air ran through my face. I felt alive and connected to the creation.

There is nothing that can beat the creation of our creator, perfect in every possible way.

I wish I could take you with me 

Please wait for me I will come back soon 

with love


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Scared to forget.

I write because I am scared to forget. 

Forget where I am coming from.

Me and my young family moved back to England about 3 months ago. We are slowly settling in. I’m learning to like and appreciate our life in London. I’m feeling myself, I’m feeling stimulated and it feels like here there are more opportunities and hope for our future.


I’m scared to forget 

I’m scared to forget the love of the little things.

The rumbling noise of our coffee machine cooking on the wooden stove. 

I’m scared to forget the connection I felt when listening to the sound of the cracking fire.

I’m scared to forget the warmth of the fire on my face

I’m scared to forget the immense silence of winter in our house in the forest; the deep thoughts inside the most unknown part of my soul

I’m scared to lose myself. I write to remember. 

I write to remember you in all the beauty you freely pour upon us. 

The wilderness, the open spaces, water rivers, lakes and seas. 

When I write about you, I see you, My Italy. I see you and I love you more than ever. 

Please wait for me. I will come back soon.

With Love


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Worn out shoes

My 7-year-old daughter yesterday came back home to school looking a bit distressed.

Her classmates made fun of her because her shoes were worn out. 

Sad how at such young age kids are paying attention to such small and insignificant details. 

I wish those shoes could speak because if they could these children who bullied my girl, would understand that the shoes looked old because they walked into beautiful wild forests, and climbed olive trees, oaks trees and beech trees. They also accompanied my daughter to unforgettable hiking nocturnal walks, horse riding, bike riding and walking along sandy and rocky beaches. 

If only they could talk….they would say they have still a long time before you can toss them away into the ocean or field…because this is where most of our unwanted items go

Let’s all teach our children to value beautiful memories with our loved ones and not new shining fashionable objects…

With Love


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