I see myself as a reflective person, I love to be on my own and dive inside my mind to reach a higher state of being.
Silence is my favourite music and although I acknowledge the need to be with other human beings, I far long prefer to be by myself, preferably with a book, or a paintbrush or perhaps with my home chores.
I always try to push my limits and learn to see the world from a different point of view. I think this is a great way to enjoy our existence as being part of humankind.
I try to see every day as a new beginning and learn a lesson from every difficulty I encounter.
This year has been an intense one; without going into details I would like to share in this blog the nine main lessons I learned in 2022.
1 Our family members will never be what we want them to be
We all have in our mind the picture of our perfect family, we all know very well how things would be better IF only that person would do that IF only that person would be like him or her etc. But the reality is, things are not going to change only because we think they should. We can help someone to be better to do better but most of the time people won’t change and we have to accept that. I am learning to accept, love and care for someone even if they are not the way I want them to be and I am learning more than ever, to love every tiny step they are making to be in a better state of being.
2 Just do it
Just do the things that make you feel good, happy and connected. I wanted to share with the world my photography, drawings and writing journeys and I did it; it made a very positive impact on my life. Now I want to create more things that make me feel better.
3 There is always a reason to be grateful for
I have learned to see light in the darkest places and making a tiny effort to see every good thing I have in my life, made me happier and lighter in my heart.
4 Set your boundaries
If you don’t set boundaries people will step over you. It is very good to be kind and gentle but this doesn’t necessarily mean not telling people how things are, even if it hurts, you better keep it truthful and clear on what is ok for you and what isn’t. Your voice matter.
5 Poor sleep led me to the darkest places
Our mental health is one of the most precious things we have and we have to look after it. I have noticed sleep plays a big role in my well-being, if I don’t rest enough, in the long run, I tend to fall into depression.
If feeling good means sometimes sleeping a bit more I just sleep more.
It is as easy as that.
6 Don’t create barriers
Since my second pregnancy (2018) I started my art journey and never left it. I’m filling up sketchbook after sketchbook, which is essential for my well-being.
My creative journey has taught me you don’t have to be great at what you doing, you improve while doing it; you don’t need a day off to improve your skill, 10 or even 5 minutes a day are enough to feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment and to improve; you don’t need expensive tools to start. Find the thing you love and let your heart guide you.
7 I am not as good as I wish to be but I try my best to improve
I have come to terms that I am not as good as I wish to be.
I lose my temper, I shout at the kids, I miss my prayers and sometimes I say mean things; all this makes me feel awful but I make the effort to accept my mistakes and I try hard to be a kinder, more loving and gentle person.
8 Today wasn’t great but by the will of God tomorrow will be better
We all have bad days and I know it isn’t nice to go through daily challenges but we all know some days are much better than others. If I had a off day I just keep reminding myself that it is ok and I perhaps remind myself that yesterday was a good day and that tomorrow will be even better by saying this my day gets better straight away.
9 This could be my last breath
I am becoming more aware of the fact that this very moment could be my last breath and this makes me enjoy life more and make me want to spend my time with people whom I love and care about the most. Life is too short and we should make the most of it by collecting beautiful memories with our loved ones. The rest can wait ( dishes included ).
I hope this blog article will inspire some of you
With Love